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W. Tombling Ltd. |
What is polythene ducting ?Polythene ducting is the most economic and efficient method of distributing warm and cold air. A typical polythene ducting system consists of one or more inflatable polythene ducts suspended overhead from steel wiresWhy use polythene air ducts ?Activair air ducting is an adaptable, efficient and economical method of conveying warm or cool air from point to point and distributing it where requiredPolythene layflat ducts - SIZES AND QUOTATIONSActivair layflat ducting is manufactured from lightweight polythene tubing, compounded to our own special formula for maximum elasticity, flexibility, toughness, and resistance to splitting and tearingDesigning an inflatable duct systemDesigning an Activair inflatable ducting system is straight forward providing the following basic rules are adhered to...Duct kits and installing air ductsActivair air ducts are quick and easy to install. They can be laid on the floor, under benching or suspended overhead using a duct kit. For optimum air distribution when installing Activair air ducts the following guidelines...Ducts - frequently asked questionsAnswers to the most common questions about Activair ductingHVAC ducting - uses of inflatable ductsActivair hvac ducting is the most flexible and adaptable method of moving air from point to point, and distributing it where required. Activair hvac ducting has been used with warm, temperate and cold air in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for over 40 yearsPolythene air conditioning ductsActivair air conditioning ducts are the most cost effective and efficient method of conveying cold air from point to point, and distributing it where its needed. Activair air conditioning ducts are manufactured from lightweight polythene, and are compatible with most air conditioners, evaporative coolers and fansPolythene heating ductsActivair heating ducts are the most adaptable and efficient method of distributing and diffusing warm air. Activair heating ducts are compatible with most warm air heaters and air handling systems, and are used in place of metal ductwork to improve air distribution and reduce temperature gradientsPolythene ventilation ductingActivair ventilation ducting is the most economic, accurate and efficient method of conveying and diffusing fresh air. Manufactured from polythene tubing, Activair ventilation ducting is used in a wide range of industries and applicationsAir duct for displacement ventilationDisplacement ventilation uses low velocity cool air diffused from an air duct at floor level to replace warmer polluted air. The air duct provides occupants with a continuous supply of fresh, clean air while forcing smoke, fumes and pollution upwardsPlastic ducting for destratificationWhen air is heated it rises, this is why in buildings with high ceilings, it feels cold at floor level and hot in the roof space. The effect is called stratification, and causes...Polythene ducting for glasshousesActivair has been supplying polythene ducting for use in glasshouses and polytunnels since the 1950’s. Our polythene ducting reduces temperature gradients, and so improves plant quality, yields and profitabilityFlexible ducts in mushroom farmingTo produce mushrooms profitably precise control of the mushrooms environment is vital. The flexible ducts must not only be able to distribute air evenly to prevent temperature gradients, but to also ensure air is not blown directly onto the cropPlastic ducts in temporary structuresTemporary ducting is the most efficient and economical way to distribute air in marquees, portable buildings, polytunnels, large tents etc. Temporary ducting diffuses warm and cold air throughout the structure, reducing temperature gradients, and stopping pockets of stagnant, cold or hot air from formingFabric ducting and ductsFabric ducting is used to distribute warm and cold air in factories, warehouses, cold stores, gymnasiums, etc. often as a direct replacement for traditional sheet metal ducts. Compared to metal ducting fabric ducting is lighter and less expensiveTextile ducting and ductsTextile ducting is widely used for cold air distribution in food preparation areas, cool rooms, stores etc. However for hygiene reasons it has to be regularly removed, laundered and re-fitted, which is a time consuming and expensive processFlexible ductingActivair flexible ducting is lightweight, economical and durable. It is suitable for use in high, medium and low pressure ventilation, heating, air conditioning, and fume extraction systems. Activair flexible ducting is puncture and tear resistant, and withstands repeated flexing without damageFlexible air ducts and sick building syndrome - sbsSick building syndrome - SBS is characterised by occupants complaining of illnesses which appear to have no relationship other than occupancy of the same building, area or room.If you found this page useful, please take a moment Copyright © 2003/6, W. Tombling Ltd. |